Poison Grrls Rizzo Blouse

I finally used that yarn that I bought in Singapore ten thousand years ago and knitted the Rizzo blouse designed by Poison Grrls.

The construction of this was new to me, and I’ll be honest, a bit of a mind-bender at times. First you knit the back shoulders separately, and then join them; then you pick up stitches to knit each front shoulder separately, and then join them. Meanwhile, you’re also keeping track of increases for sleeves and an eyelet pattern on different counters. I actually ended up creating a spreadsheet to keep track of things at various points! I’ve been knitting for 11 years now and I’m only just starting to realise that I prefer charts to written instructions.

But I really enjoyed knitting this pattern, once I’d got my head around it. Although there is a lot of picking up stitches, which isn’t my favourite, I really like the effect it creates around the sleeve cuffs – they look a bit pouffy and gathered. Super cute.

The yarn is deep stash – 4 Seasons Merino 4 Ply from Spotlight in Singapore. I think it’s discontinued now. Merino wool is supposedly good for warm weather as well as cold – as any outdoorsy travel blog will tell you – but I’m guessing they’re not talking about thick hand-knitted merino wool. This one is definitely on the warmer side! I love the look, but it’s too much a properly warm day. Thankfully we don’t get many of those around here. I love mine, and I’ll wear it a lot – but generally I’d recommend making this pattern in something with a cooler hand, like bamboo or cotton.