Hi there!
I’m Lisa Cotton and I make things for fun. This website is my little home on the web; it’s where I blog and where I document my sewing and knitting projects through a photo gallery. I grew tired of social media, so I built this site to be part of the indie web revival - the rebellion against the big, corporate, siloed web.
Currently knitting
- A Sprig of Spearmint jumper in West Yorkshire Spinners ColourLab Aran.
- A 1950s lace top for myself in Rowan Fine Lace, from a vintage pattern.
Currently sewing
- A pattern test that I can’t share any info about!
- Another pair of Thea trousers, this time in rose cotton twill.
Currently reading
- The Lady of the Lake (The Witcher #5) by Andrzej Sapkowski.
- The Secret World of Weather by Tristan Gooley.
Latest on the blog
We just came back from a long weekend in Dublin. (Well, it was a long weekend for me - I tagged along with my husband who was there for work.) It was a lovely little trip; lots of Guinness was consumed, we did a 5 mile run, went to a Viking museum, and hung out with an old friend and met his delightful cat :)
On the last day I popped into a beautiful little yarn shop called This Is Knit:
I was a bit overwhelmed by the huge amount of choice, to be honest! I knew I wanted an Irish yarn, but they had so many options, and so many colours. After a bonkers amount of deliberation, I picked out six balls of Studio Donegal Soft Donegal. It’s lovely and soft has a tweedy sort of texture.
This week I spent some time improving my marker rendering skill.
On Friday I created a fashion illustration for an outfit concept I’m working on for my course, and I spent hours on it, working to the best of my abilities to render it in colour. But after I was done, I just felt so disillusioned. It looked so rough and amateur, and it had taken me so long because I didn’t really know what I was doing.
To be clear: three years ago I would have been stunned if you’d told me I could draw something like what I drew last week. But we always strive for better. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at such beautiful illustrations, and my standards for myself have shifted.
Although I’ve been knitting since 2012, I haven’t actually focused very much on improving the quality of my craft recently. I learned fair isle a few years ago, but other than that, I think my ability is basically the same as it was 8 years ago - despite being fairly prolific in my output.
I consider myself fairly advanced - I can knit lace, fair isle, cables - and ladder down to fix a mistake many rows back too. I’ve made blankets, socks, soft toys, scarves, and jumpers galore. But my ribbing is sloppy, and you can plainly see where I’ve woven in my ends. I’m noticing uneven tension and fit issues - garments too big, too small, or too imperfect. Knitting doesn’t have to be perfect, I know - but I feel like my skills have stagnated, and I could be better than this if I just applied myself a little better.
Latest in the gallery
- On the Porch by Fifty Four Ten Studio
- Caron Simply Soft in pink
- Jackson pullover by Helen's Closet
- Fur-backed French terry